Although this writeup includes challenges i was unable to solve during the challenge it might not include some of the challenges i solved. I am kidding ,it includes them except for the web challenge which became inaccessible after the session expired.
- Easy_Peasy
In this challenge ,we were provide with a file with the following string
basically what came in my mind was the base32 numeral system .It uses a set of 32 digits, each of which can be represented by 5 bits (25). One way to represent Base32 numbers in a human-readable way is by using a standard 32-character set, such as the twenty-two upper-case letters A–V and the digits 0–9. i quickly launched my terminal ,i echoed the string piping it to base32 decode.This is not the only way , You can use also online decoders.
2.Heightened senses
A file was provided with braille data format. I rushed to an online decoder (https://www.dcode.fr/braille-alphabet) to decode it.
3.Needle in the HayStack
I wasn’t able to solve this at the time of playing the CTF. There was a flag file and a key.pem .On doing “file key.pem” i got PEM RSA private key.We will use openssl rsautl utility which processes rsa keys that is, it is a utility to sign, verify, encrypt and decrypt data using RSA private key and public key.
openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey key.pem -in flag
this looks like a base64 string so we can decode it these way:
echo V1hQR1N7R3U0Z2ZfSlVMX0ozX1A0MXlfR1Uzel9UblozNSF9Cg==|base64 -d
So still this flag didn’t really make sense since it doesn’t even follow the flag format of the ctf ,so i quickly figure out through trial and error that this is rot13 .
4. Numbers This challenge involves playing around with number systems ,i just happened to know of a site that really came in handy for that certain scenario (http://icyberchef.com/) .so there’s this file named coolnumbers which has decimal numbers,changing from decimal we get octal,changing from octal i get Binary changing it from Binary i get flag.
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5.Mind Games Here we had this file with base64 encrypted
decrypting it gave Hexadecimal number system numbers changing this numbers from hexadecimal i get another bunch of hexadecimal numbers,doing the same i get a morsecode,changing it from morsecode i get a ROT13 cipher text, decrypting this i get the Flag:
Reverse Engineering
- crackme.py This was pretty easy . The code is as follows .
# Hiding this really important number in an obscure piece of code is brilliant!
# AND it’s encrypted!
# We want our biggest client to know his information is safe with us.
bezos_cc_secret = “yzr%uLH92E0H60E9:?<0H60364@>6N”
# Reference alphabet
alphabet = “!\”#$%&’()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ”+ \
def decode_secret(secret):
NOTE: encode and decode are the same operation in the ROT cipher family.
# Encryption key
rotate_const = 47
# Storage for decoded secret
decoded = “”
# decode loop
for c in secret:
index = alphabet.find(c)
original_index = (index + rotate_const) % len(alphabet)
decoded = decoded + alphabet[original_index]
def choose_greatest():
“””Echo the largest of the two numbers given by the user to the program
Warning: this function was written quickly and needs proper error handling
user_value_1 = input(“What’s your first number? “)
user_value_2 = input(“What’s your second number? “)
greatest_value = user_value_1 # need a value to return if 1 & 2 are equal
if user_value_1 > user_value_2:
greatest_value = user_value_1
elif user_value_1 < user_value_2:
greatest_value = user_value_2
print( “The number with largest positive magnitude is “
+ str(greatest_value) )
i realised this decode secret was doing some rot47 operations to decode the secret i decided to pass the secret above to it to do the work for us.
i run the program and boom i had the flag .
This was pretty easy too .Using file utility i saw it is a 64 bit executable. I decided to use ghidra in this case.I wanted to see what the assembly looked like more than the actual code in c.
i saw an interesting pattern on the assembly from the DAT_00100648 whose content is being printed after a certain action by the scanf function.
using `strings chal2.o` i got the flag.
These are the challenges i solved both after the ctf challenge and before . I am working on the remaining ones.Meanwhile enjoy this writeup as i cook something more interesting for you .